Category: Weekly Workshops

Ryan Schultz – Exploring Social VR PlatformsRyan Schultz – Exploring Social VR Platforms

0 Comments 21:08

Ryan Schultz was the featured guest for our Students in VR workshop March 17, 2021, in AltspaceVR. He discussed the most important social VR platforms and the pros and cons of each, and how to navigate within their communities.

Ryan is a librarian and citizen journalist and blogger covering social and educational VR apps, games, platforms, and experiences from his unique perspective as a librarian and computer science and technology expert on his Ryan site.

His “Comprehensive List of Social VR Platforms and Virtual Worlds” and List of Non-Combat, Open-World Exploration/Puzzle/Life Simulation Games” articles are some of the most popular sources for VR experiences with an educational slant for students and teadchers. You may also keep track of him and his views and reports on Twitter as @quiplash.


Workshop: Leslie Shannon Talks 5GWorkshop: Leslie Shannon Talks 5G

0 Comments 03:42

Our next workshop in AltspaceVR is February 24, 2021, with Leslie Shannon discussing how 5G and what “splitting the chip” will mean for the new wave of immersive technology, especially for augmented reality and the spatial internet and it’s impact on education. With more bandwidth and lower latency, 5G promises will impact education, especially remote learning opportunities.

Come join us in AltspaceVR to learn about this and join the conversation.


Workshop: Spookatz, Rec Room Roomie Award WinnerWorkshop: Spookatz, Rec Room Roomie Award Winner

0 Comments 09:36

Join us Wednesday in AltspaceVR on February 17, 2021, for a special workshop with Spookatz, the winner of the Roomie Award in Rec Room who will be sharing insights on building in virtual environments and working with other student developers on collaborative projects.

Spookatz has been designing and animating in 3D for over seven years and spends most of his time working in virtual reality. He will also discuss what it is like to be a Voomer, a virtual native.