Author: Lorelle VanFossen

Dr. Angelina Dayton Featured in Language Conference April 17Dr. Angelina Dayton Featured in Language Conference April 17

0 Comments 15:37

April 17, 2021, the NYS TESOL TeLL SIG – VirtuaTell 2021 conference will feature Dr. Angelina Dayton, Director and Founder of Students in VR as one of the speakers covering XR language training, teaching, and experiences.

NY State TESOL TeLL SIG 2021

The all-day conference is free to their members and USD $15 for non-members and features a wide variety of expert educators and professionals on the theme of Equal, Access, and the Digital Divide: Challenges and Opportunities for Language Learning and Teaching. This is their first annual conference for TESOL professionals and a great opportunity to explore their student-centered approach for learning and nurturing student engagement. The NYS TESOL Technology Enhanced Language Learning SIG TeLL hosts regular online and in-person events. Among the other luminary speakers at the TeLL SIG conference April 17 are Educators in VR representatives as well.

Dr Angelina Dayton NY TESOL SIG

Dr. Angelina Dayton is the founder and director of Students in VR and the popular Students in VR Conferences. Students in VR is dedicated to providing educational opportunities and skill building for students of all ages in immersive technologies. Students in VR hosts weekly student produced and hosted workshops in AltspaceVR. She is also the Senior Virtual Reality Research Scientist at Virtual World Society. As a professional virtual reality user experience designer, speaker, consultant and trainer, she specializes in design and deployment of virtual reality user experiences into complex organizations such as public schools. Her current projects include the large scale deployment within rural, predominantly Native schools in the United States: over 50 schools with over 15,000 students piloting curated content based on state academic standards.

Check out the NYS TESOL TeLL SIG Schedule for April 17 and come join this day-long exploration of learning languages online and in virtual reality.



Ryan Schultz – Exploring Social VR PlatformsRyan Schultz – Exploring Social VR Platforms

0 Comments 21:08

Ryan Schultz was the featured guest for our Students in VR workshop March 17, 2021, in AltspaceVR. He discussed the most important social VR platforms and the pros and cons of each, and how to navigate within their communities.

Ryan is a librarian and citizen journalist and blogger covering social and educational VR apps, games, platforms, and experiences from his unique perspective as a librarian and computer science and technology expert on his Ryan site.

His “Comprehensive List of Social VR Platforms and Virtual Worlds” and List of Non-Combat, Open-World Exploration/Puzzle/Life Simulation Games” articles are some of the most popular sources for VR experiences with an educational slant for students and teadchers. You may also keep track of him and his views and reports on Twitter as @quiplash.


Educators in VR VR Researchers New Event WorldEducators in VR VR Researchers New Event World

0 Comments 08:28

Educators in VR, the parent organization for Students in VR, supports a variety of Team Projects, special interest groups dedicated to integrating XR immersive technology into education, business, and life. Their popular VR Researchers Team Project have announced an open house event in AltspaceVR March 1, 2021, for all to see their new event world and learn about what it took to create it.

Educators in VR VR Researchers Event World in AltspaceVR.

The VR Researchers team spent a few months studying and researching what makes a good event world that is also more. It needs to support all types of educational events including small group sessions, so there needs to be a focused area for the presentation and room for people to move off into small groups for discussions. They will discuss the challenges associated with building virtual worlds like that, something we need to learn as well.

Come join us in AltspaceVR to learn more.


Workshop: Leslie Shannon Talks 5GWorkshop: Leslie Shannon Talks 5G

0 Comments 03:42

Our next workshop in AltspaceVR is February 24, 2021, with Leslie Shannon discussing how 5G and what “splitting the chip” will mean for the new wave of immersive technology, especially for augmented reality and the spatial internet and it’s impact on education. With more bandwidth and lower latency, 5G promises will impact education, especially remote learning opportunities.

Come join us in AltspaceVR to learn about this and join the conversation.


VR Locomotion: How to Move in VRVR Locomotion: How to Move in VR

0 Comments 20:31

VR Researchers, a Team Project with Educators in VR, presents a workshop on Monday, February 22, 2021, in AltspaceVR on how to move in VR and the development and design of navigation and movement in VR.

Ivan Aguilar is a PhD student and lecturer at the School of Interactive Arts & Technology at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. He will share his insights and expertise on movement in VR including motion sickness issues, comfort, and efficiency exploring how to improve movement in VR to be more natural.


Homeschooling in a Virtual WorldHomeschooling in a Virtual World

0 Comments 07:38

Educators in VR‘s team project, Virtual Schooling, is meeting in AltspaceVR February 25, 2021, to discuss “Homeschooling in a Virtual World.”

The workshop features Keely Cannif, leader of the Virtual Schooling team, discussing homeschooling in a virtual Montessori educational home in AltspaceVR. It’s a great way to learn how to convert a living space into an educationally rich learning environment with the use of VR.


Educational World Tour in AltspaceVREducational World Tour in AltspaceVR

0 Comments 22:22

Educators in VR offers monthly tours of educational worlds in AltspaceVR demonstrating the potential for classes, workshops, and teaching a variety of subjects in VR.

The next Educational World Tour is Tuesday, February 16, 2021. All are welcome to attend as they explore worlds for studying science, climate change, math, arts, cultures, and so much more.

Here are some images from recent tours.




Workshop: Spookatz, Rec Room Roomie Award WinnerWorkshop: Spookatz, Rec Room Roomie Award Winner

0 Comments 09:36

Join us Wednesday in AltspaceVR on February 17, 2021, for a special workshop with Spookatz, the winner of the Roomie Award in Rec Room who will be sharing insights on building in virtual environments and working with other student developers on collaborative projects.

Spookatz has been designing and animating in 3D for over seven years and spends most of his time working in virtual reality. He will also discuss what it is like to be a Voomer, a virtual native.


Dr. Angelina Dayton Presents at Virtual World SocietyDr. Angelina Dayton Presents at Virtual World Society

0 Comments 22:22

Dr. Angelina Dayton, TheVRLadyThe director of Students in VR, Dr. Angelina Dayton, will be the featured guest for the Virtual World Society Fireside Chat in AltspaceVR February 11, 2021.

Dr. Dayton is known as “The VR Lady.” A long time educator and researcher, she earned the nickname during her years spent hauling VR headsets all around to rural Native American schools in Oklahoma. The students would see her arrive and shout out “The VR lady is here!”

She is a virtual reality user experience designer, speaker, consultant and trainer at She combines her specialties in design and deployment of virtual reality user experiences into complex organizations such as public schools, paired with her expertise based on an anthropological assessment of how best to integrate emerging technology into highly structured, low-resourced environments. She has put more than 10,000 students into VR.

She uses these skills to bring to life one of her current passion projects involving the large scale deployment of immersive technology within rural schools in the Cherokee Nation boundaries, with over 50 schools and over 15,000 students piloting curated content based on state academic standards.

Previously, Dr. Dayton worked with the American Indian Resource Center as a virtual reality specialist. She also works as a research scientist assisting VWS in investigating, evaluating and assessing the adoption of virtual reality.

She has degrees in Education from Stanford University, UC Berkeley, and the University of the Pacific and a degree in American Indian Studies from Northeastern State University. She is the mother of seven amazing children aged 11 to 28 years old and is a children’s magician in her spare time.

We love working with her. She inspires all of us, and she will inspire you at this event with the Virtual World Society.