
Students in VR is an Educators in VR project whose mission is to provide education, leadership, research, collaboration, and networking opportunities to students of all ages from primary, secondary, and graduate studies and beyond.

Students in VR exploring VR standing up.

A fundamental shift is occurring in education. Once a top-down static practice of information transfer, learning is now about the dynamic act of knowledge creation. Students are not just content consumers but also content contributors and content creators.

Students in VR is an organization that supports, highlights and connects students who use spatial computing to create the lessons, environments and worlds in which they live and learn. Emerging technologies have finally caught up with the creativity and genius of youth. We are here to support that creativity and genius through the Student in VR international conferences and chapters. 

The Big Kids at Oaks School who help and train the little ones.Join us in sharing the lessons and experiences created by students for students. Whether you are an administrator, teacher, parent or learner, the Students in VR will provide the information you need to courageously explore learning in a dynamic and changing world. Students are the experts in embracing and adapting to new technologies and ways of knowing. They often lead fearlessly in the exploration of topics of interest. We highlight these bold endeavors to explore, learn and share through our student led conference that models how to let students take ownership of their learning.