Month: April 2021

Dr. Angelina Dayton Featured in Language Conference April 17Dr. Angelina Dayton Featured in Language Conference April 17

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April 17, 2021, the NYS TESOL TeLL SIG – VirtuaTell 2021 conference will feature Dr. Angelina Dayton, Director and Founder of Students in VR as one of the speakers covering XR language training, teaching, and experiences.

NY State TESOL TeLL SIG 2021

The all-day conference is free to their members and USD $15 for non-members and features a wide variety of expert educators and professionals on the theme of Equal, Access, and the Digital Divide: Challenges and Opportunities for Language Learning and Teaching. This is their first annual conference for TESOL professionals and a great opportunity to explore their student-centered approach for learning and nurturing student engagement. The NYS TESOL Technology Enhanced Language Learning SIG TeLL hosts regular online and in-person events. Among the other luminary speakers at the TeLL SIG conference April 17 are Educators in VR representatives as well.

Dr Angelina Dayton NY TESOL SIG

Dr. Angelina Dayton is the founder and director of Students in VR and the popular Students in VR Conferences. Students in VR is dedicated to providing educational opportunities and skill building for students of all ages in immersive technologies. Students in VR hosts weekly student produced and hosted workshops in AltspaceVR. She is also the Senior Virtual Reality Research Scientist at Virtual World Society. As a professional virtual reality user experience designer, speaker, consultant and trainer, she specializes in design and deployment of virtual reality user experiences into complex organizations such as public schools. Her current projects include the large scale deployment within rural, predominantly Native schools in the United States: over 50 schools with over 15,000 students piloting curated content based on state academic standards.

Check out the NYS TESOL TeLL SIG Schedule for April 17 and come join this day-long exploration of learning languages online and in virtual reality.